striving for excellence...caring for children 
Moneymore Primary School offers a wide variety of sporting activities both during and after school. The children have experience of the following sports as they progress through the school – Dance (Country and Creative), Gymnastics, Hockey, Netball, Soccer, Indoor and Outdoor Athletics, Tennis, Rounders and Swimming. 
The school’s P.E. policy sets out aims which are designed to: 
Encourage a positive attitude to sport 
Provide opportunities for participation to every child 
Improve physical skills 
Provide new experiences and set new challenges 
The children participate in many tournaments and competitions throughout the year. Foundation Stage and Key Stage one have two sessions of physical education per week, and Key Stage two pupils have a minimum of one session per week during which sports skills are taught. Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 attend swimming lessons at different times in the school year. We are fortunate to have a large school playing field, 2 hard core pitches and a multi-purpose hall for indoor sporting activities. 
Children in Year 7 also participate in the National Cycling Proficiency Scheme. 
We offer a wide range of sporting opportunities to all of the pupils enrolled in our school. Staff and other qualified instructors give the children the opportunity to participate in school and after school hours. During the year pupils are able to take part in: 
Tri-County Sports Project/Mid Ulster League 
Tri-County Sports Project/Mid Ulster Blitz 
Mid-Ulster League & Knock-Out Tournaments / Tri-County Sports Project 
Ulster Rugby tournaments 
IASA Endeavour Awards/Inter Schools Gala 
Cross Country 
Multi Skills 
Moneymore Primary School has a strong tradition of musical and dramatic productions. While every child has the opportunity to work with music teachers during normal curriculum time individuals as well as groups also have the opportunity to participate in a number of musical activities. 
Each year at Christmas the pupils perform songs, poems and a play for parents. The pupils also perform at the Annual Harvest Service. 
P4-P7 pupils are given the opportunity to participate in the School choir and thereby perform at a number of events. Recently the choir has performed at Tesco's, Asda, Spar and our annual ‘Daffodil Tea’. The choir participates in the local music festival in Coleraine and have enjoyed great success in recent years winning the Hymn Singing class in 2019 and they were placed second in the open class in 2019. In addition many pupils are entered for the verse speaking sections at Dungannon festival. 
Tuition in various woodwind and stringed instruments is provided weekly by peripatetic teachers from the Education Authority. 
Traditional Musical Tuition is also provided through Mid Ulster District Council for senior pupils. 
Piano and guitar lessons are given by independent instructors during school hours. 
The children have a wide range of resources in ICT to enhance their learning experiences. Each classroom is equipped with a touch panel screen and two PC’s. We have PC's and lap-tops and Chromebooks that are used extensively used during class time and for after-school activities. Pupils in the Foundation Stage and in Key Stage one make use of Roamer and Bee-Bots for programming; while pupils in Key Stage two progress to using Pro-Bot and Spheros. In order to combine text with sound and image pupils use talking tins and Easi-Speak microphones as well as digital cameras.  
iPads are used by pupils in all classes to support learning and teaching. In particular the pupils access apps on Literacy and Numeracy, finding the iPads easy to use and very stimulating. 
Non-denominational religious education will be available to all children. Assemblies are as follows: 
Monday - P4 to P7 
Tuesday - P1 to P3 
Friday - P1 to P7 
Assemblies provide an opportunity for collective worship and celebration. Ministers and other members of the community are invited regularly to talk to the whole school and individual class groups. If parents wish to withdraw their children from Religious Education, they will be accommodated. 
In connection with The World Around Us curriculum educational visits are organized for each class. Last year the trips were as follows: 
P1 - Speedwell at Parkanaur 
P2 - Sperrin Fun Farm 
P3 - Hillsborough Castle 
P4 - Palace Stables, Armagh 
P5 - Tayto, Tandragee 
P6 - Belfast Zoo 
P7 - Davagh Forest Park 
In addition each class also visits a number of places in our local village connected with topic leaning e.g. the Post Office, Springhill, Carndaisy Glen, Spar etc. The Primary 7 pupils will be attending a residential at the Share Village during the last term. 
Extra-curricular activities are an important part of the ‘whole’ curriculum that we offer for the physical, social and emotional development of our children. P1-3 pupils stay after school from 2pm-3pm; P4-7 pupils stay after school from 3pm-4pm. 
These activities begin in September/October each year and the current after-school activities that take place are football, hockey, netball, rugby, athletics, gymnastics, rugby, basketball. 
In addition to the sports clubs already mentioned pupils also have the opportunity to participate in many other activities out of school hours: 
Scripture Union; iPad club; Coding Club; Choir 
Arts & Crafts; Choir; Gardening Club; K'Nex Club; 
Cycling Proficiency; Problem Solving; Knitting Club etc. 
We have an active and thriving School Council. Each year we hold democatic elections to select council members from each of the P5-P7 classes. the selected pupils attend monthly meetings and report cak to thir class council on decisions that the school council has taken. Pupils are encouraged to make a positive contribution to all aspects of school life. Staff seek the views and opinions of the pupils and involve them in school decision making. Each class has its own class council that also holds a monthly meeting. One item on the agenda is set by the Vice-Principal, one item by the teacher and the third is always generated by the pupils. Minutes are recorded at all meetings and retatined by the school council secretary. 
Moneymore Primary School has a thriving Eco-committee with three representatives from each class P4-P7. The Eco Committee is the driving force behind the school's participation in the Eco-Schools programme.  
The committee meet after school on a monthly basis to oversee many aspects of promoting our school environment, reducing waste, conserving energy, developing biodiversity and promoting healthy living. The committee organises gardening events in the Spring and Autumn and also secured the support of local businesses.  
We were awarded the Green Flag again in May 2024 and are delighted to be proudly flying the Eco-flag. 
Moneymore Primary School has a long history of well established close links with parents and a thriving PTA. The committee is a voluntary group of parents who are willing to work on behalf of all the parents planning social activities and fund-raising events throughout the school year. 
In the past few years the PTA has enabled the school to purchase: 
Equipment and storage for the playground 
Literacy - Reading Scheme materials 
Outdoor playhouse 
Leavers' hoodies 
Some of the events the PTA have organised have included Christmas Craft Fairs, Fun Nights, Supper with Santa, party night etc. 
In addition the PTA provide refreshments at the Annual Harvest Service, Christmas performances and Spring Coffee Morning. 
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