Page 8 - Moneymore Primary
P. 8

our school

          Break & Lunch

          Morning break is held between     is  to  assist  the  younger  pupils  Families  in  receipt  of  Income
          10.30 and 10.45 am.  We adopt     during play time and to help with  Support/Job Seekers’ Allowance
          a healthy eating policy in relation  the play equipment.             and/or Child Tax Credit may be
          to the mid-morning snack, and                                        entitled to Free School Meals.
          children are encouraged to drink  Lunch  Break  is  12.15-1.00  pm.
          water throughout the day.         Parents can choose whether they    “The school gives outstanding
                                            would like their child to have a   attention to promoting healthy
          Pupils play outside during break  packed  lunch  or  school  meal.   eating and physical activity”.
          where possible.                   School meals are cooked on the
                                            premises and parents receive a     ETI March 2015
          Primary 6 and 7 pupils are given  menu in advance to make their
          the  responsibility  to  act  as  choice.
          Playground Friends and their role
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