Page 14 - Moneymore Primary
P. 14


          Physical Education

          The school’s PE policy sets out aims which are designed to…
          • Encourage a positive attitude to sport.
          • Provide opportunities for participation to every child.
          • Improve physical skills.
          • Provide new experiences and set new challenges.

          The  children  participate  in
          many     tournaments     and
          competitions throughout the
          year.  Each  class  has  two
          sessions of physical education
          per week during which sports
          skills are taught. Pupils receive
          football coaching each week
          from an IFA coach and P4 - P7
          are given swimming lessons at
          different  times  in  the  school
          year. We are fortunate to have
          a large school playing field, 2
          hard core pitches and a multi-
          purpose  hall  for  indoor
          sporting activities.

          Children in Primary 7 are also encouraged to participate in the National Cycling Proficiency Scheme.
          In recent years we have enjoyed much sporting success in netball, rugby, volleyball, hockey and football.
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