striving for excellence...caring for children 
Nursery Staff  
Our teacher is called Mrs Leitch and our nursery assistant is called Mrs Glasgow.  
Mrs Leitch (Nursery Teacher) 
Mrs Glasgow (Nursery Assistant) 
The welcoming ethos at Moneymore Nursery is achieved through good relationships between staff, parents, pupils and the local community. We continually strive to maintain this friendly and caring reputation. 
Parents are very welcome in the nursery classroom when leaving and collecting their children so that good relationships can be formed between the teacher, parents and children. 
Parents are encouraged to get involved in nursery life and to share in their child's learning journey!! 
Nursery Day 
Monday - Friday 
8.45 - 9.00am - Flexible Drop-off  
9.00 - 10.00am - Outdoor play  
10.00 - 10.15am - Together Time  
10.15 - 11.15 - Indoor Play & Social Snack 
11.15 - 10.40am - Together Time (story time/group activity) 
11.40 - 11.50am - Daily Mile  
11.50 - 12.00 noon - Washing hands  
12.00 - 12.40pm - Dinnertime  
12.40 - 1.00pm - Music and Rhyme Time 
12.50 - 1.00pm -Goodbyes 
1.00pm - Hometime  
Parent Involvement  
Parents/carers are welcomed at the start and close of each nursery session. Parents are informed monthly regarding monthly events, learning experiences and songs through ‘Moneymore Nursery News Sheet’, ‘Parent Information Board’ and ‘Moneymore Nursery Song Sheet’. Parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s learning and extend their learning further at home through ‘Home Learning Links’. 
They are also encouraged to enrich the learning experiences for the children by: 
• Talking about a job 
• Bathing a new baby 
• Reading a story 
• Bringing in an animal/pet 
• Sharing an interest/hobby 
• Joining in with art work shops 
• Enjoying and taking part in small scale nursery performances 
• Availing of parental consultations 
• Contributing to fundraising nursery events 
We aim to: 
* Provide a happy, safe, secure and stimulating learning environment; 
* Value and build on what the child learns at home and include parents in their child’s learning; 
*Develop every child’s self-confidence and ability to express ideas and feelings clearly; 
*Encourage independence and allow children to learn by doing things for themselves; 
* Promote good habits of health and hygiene; 
* Develop children’s interest in the environment and surroundings of Moneymore; 
* Provide equity of opportunity for each child to engage with the curriculum at his or her own level; 
* Encourage children to develop respect for themselves and others; 
*Encourage children to develop and improve social skills and good manners. 
*Help each child reach for their potential through engagement with staff in a language-rich environment. 
Getting Ready to Learn  
We are currently taking part in the project ‘Getting Ready to Learn’. The Getting Ready to Learn project seeks to support pre-school settings to encourage and develop parental involvement in children's early learning, to ensure maximum parental contribution at a crucial time in children's early brain development. It is focused on improving outcomes for children in pre-school by engaging and empowering parents to help them create and sustain positive home learning environments. We are participating in three key themes to support parents. 
Education Works in Pre-School 
• To provide information on the Pre-School Curriculum 
• To enrich understanding of how children learn through play 
• To advise parents/carers of ways to support children’s learning through play at home 
What it will look like in Nursery: 
• Parent workshops 
• Stay and Play sessions 
• Adventure bags provided for home use 
Big Bedtime Read 
• To explore the importance of reading to young children 
• To share ideas about how to enjoy a book with your child 
• To provide resources to support bedtime reading and good bedtime routines! 
What it will look like in Nursery: 
• Big Bedtime Read Pyjama Party for children and parents 
• Book Bags 
Happy Healthy Kids 
• To explore the benefits of exercise for pre-school children 
• To share how experiences in pre-school support physical development 
• To support parents to increase children’s physical activity and to reduce screen time at home 
What it will look like in Nursery: 
• Parent Information Session 
• Play Packs for home lending 
• Stay & Play Sessions 
• Celebration Sports Day 
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